Cuillin Ridge - Tips for a successful crossing with Trekitt and Contour Outdoor

© Trekitt

Trekitt and Contour Outdoors and presents - The Cullin Ridge Traverse: Tips and tricks for a successful crossing.

A talk in the Trekitt Hereford shop by Bob Thomas, of Contour Outdoor, on how to train & prepare for a successful Cuillin Ridge Traverse, as well as tips on making the crossing itself. The talk will be held in the Trekitt shop and Bob will cover:

- Equipment & Food
- Types of Traverse
- Training and Preparation
- Tactics & Tips
- Common Mistakes

There will be lots of photographs, with an open forum at the end of the presentation to discuss any issues you may have concerning the UK's premier mountaineering route.

There are 25 spaces available for this talk. Admission is free however you will need to book by emailing [email protected] - or call the shop on 01432 263 335 - 

It's first come first served so best get in there quick.


For more information Trekitt

9 Jun, 2015
hidden in the picture.) ("the UK's and premier mountaineering route"; I'm now wondering what 'premier' might actually mean here. Jaggiest?)
9 Jun, 2015
'Most marketed' or 'most guided' would be my cynical guesses.
9 Jun, 2015
No need for the cynicism. Is there anything even remotely comparable elswhere in the UK? Rhum and Arran have fine ridges but not on the same scale and on the mainland only the classic Nevis ridges come close and they only afford a view of an industrial estate ;-) as well as not being a continuous traverse from summit to summit.
9 Jun, 2015
UK's longest scramble, or longest stretch where your feet stay on rock and you never go below 2000', most technical munros... there are a few possibilities.
9 Jun, 2015
All fine points, none of which I'd argue against. My understanding of 'premier' is similar to the dictionary one: 'first in importance, order, or position; leading', none of which I think quite fits a ridge traverse. Best-est, most awesomest, most highly regarded, most demanding, most-sustainedly-gnarl, most all-of-the-stuff-you-all-mentioned-above. Premier means nothing to me here; I'd leave that one for double-glazing companies, taxi firms and travel agents, not mountains. Sorry for the digression. What time is the talk?
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