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Been climbing since I left school. Started climbing with my dad and once I started working at Wildtrak in Newcastle on Saturdays (around 2003), I found myself working with and making friends with climbers and simply joined in with the fun. I only worked there for 4 weeks but it was probably the most defining 4 weeks in my life of my life. All the close friends I have now, I've met through climbing. Even my wife. Climbing, unlike everything else, has been a constant in my life. A single thread that's been woven into everything else.

My log book isn't complete, nowhere near. It's spotty at best. I did well with keeping it up to date around 2005-2008 but in 2009, I met up with someone who'd become a regular partner, someone who was as flexible with his time as I was, someone who shared my passion and loved the lake district as much as I do, someone who had as few ties as I did and as much money to burn as I did. He climbed at a few grades higher than me and so climbing with him really helped me to push my grade. For a few years, we practically lived in the lakes, spending the majority of our free time there. The rate we were banging out routes, I couldn't possibly keep up with the UKC logbook. In 2011 I met my wife, it's possible that between Mar and Nov of that yeah, I'd climbed more than all other years before it combined. Certainly feels that way anyway. I lived and breathed it. I lost a job because I was taking so much time out to climb. I have zero regrets.

Now, I run my own business, I have 2 fantastic boys, I still climb with my dad from time to time and we're both looking forward to introducing the boys to this fantastic and ridiculous thing we call rock climbing.

Ovington, Northumberland

Best Climbing Experience
The next one!

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Photography, Rock Talk, Off-Belay

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 9 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Buckstone How, Honister Crag, Buckbarrow, Wasdale, Scafell Crag, Curtis Crag, Honister Slate Mine, Raven Crag (Kyloe), Maiden Chambers, Titlington Mount

Interests Outside Climbing
HEMA (Fencing)

About My Photography
I can either put heaps of effort into a single photo or simply snap impulsively. Either way, I try to make the photo as interesting as possible rather than as "good" as possible. I only have a few of my favourite photos on my UKC gallery and even then, they're just my favourite ones, not necessarily my "best" ones. My weapon of choice is a Nikon F100, That's right, I still rock a 35mm.

Photo Gallery


© y2keable

Ridsdale Wall

Ridsdale Wall
© y2keable

The pointy place

The pointy place
© y2keable

MileCastle 39

MileCastle 39
© y2keable


© y2keable

An adder at Peel

An adder at Peel
© y2keable

John's first E3

John's first E3
© y2keable

walk home

walk home
© y2keable

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