Climbing near Frankfurt

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 NOG 15 Jul 2012
Does anyone have any recommendations for climbing close to Frankfurt. We're climbing in Ettringen during the week, but flying out of Frankfurt on Saturday so keen to find somewhere closer to the airport to climb before the flight?

Thanks for any help!
 jimtitt 15 Jul 2012
In reply to NOG:
There is Lorbacher Wand which is pretty near the airport, maybe 15km. And slate as well! Never been there but heard of it which may or may not be a good thing!
 madmats 16 Jul 2012
In reply to jimtitt:

I've been there, and it's actually quite good. There's definately much better places to climb in Germany, but from Fr 5s - 7s there's plenty to go at for a day.
 strunz 16 Jul 2012
In reply to NOG:

Lorsbacher Wand is okay. Here the exact position:

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