Outlook Express help??? Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllp.

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Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
hey up folks.

I have started having problems sending mail with Outlook Express.

Sometimes I can send emails ok. Sometimes when I hit send, it won't leave the screen then duplicates in the outbox overytime I hit send.

When mails are in my out box, they will never leave, even when I can see norto scanning the outgoing attachment. People sometimes receive these messages or multiples of them.

I have deleted a huge amount of emails form my sent items, restarted many times, but can't find out the problem. When an error occurs it will not give me any information on it.

It makes no difference if I replying to emails or starting new ones, it's random.

I have deleted all drafts, scrap messages in out box,

File sizes make no difference either.

Anyone got any ideas?


 54ms 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

Yes, get another mail program.

If you have a hotmail account foxmail is good.

If not then there are loads to choose from, have a look at what comes with your browser.
In reply to Fex Wazner:

When you hit Send/Receive do you get any errors?

 TN 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

Do you have a number of email accounts set up? if so, can you send from any of them?

My BTinternet connection won't send emails from my virgin email account, for example - it's not something like that, is it?
 Andy2 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner: I was talking to a pal of mine yesterday, and he has the same problem. But I don't know what the solution is ! At least you're not alone.

Sorry this is no help.

Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Andy2:

Dear all.

I have to use outlook for work or similar for work.

I have another account with express that has the same problem.

Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

PS,. I have an error message, but it dioes not display any text!

 TN 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

Try send/recieve again, then look in your Windows Event Viewer (Start, Settings, Control Panel, Admin Tools, Event Viewer) - do you see any error messages in any of the folders displayed in there? Do any of them look like they might be relevant?
 sutty 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

Go to your control panel then add/remove programmes. go to IE and click on it. You will then be given the option to repair it, and that may solve your problem.
Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to sutty:

Cheers Sutty, will I lose my emails though?


Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to TN:

Nothing that relevant, I tried send and receive again, got an error message, but nothing new popped up in any of the boxes.

here is the most relevant list of errors.

Many thanks for your help.


 sutty 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

never lost mine, but you could save them to memory stick just in case you have a blond moment.
 TN 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

I can't read that very well, unfortunately - can you tell me what the Type, Source and the code in column 6 say for the 'Warnings' entries.
Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to TN:




Thanks Again

 TN 05 Mar 2007
In reply to sutty:

"This error message is only informational. You can safely ignore it."
Okay, so it's not that, then.

Can you send email if you use 'another' method - mail2web or whatever?
Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to TN:

Tnaks for that. Webmail works OK, I think it is just outlook.

Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

I typed all the info into a search and just got a load of techie jibberish as per usual. The outlook on all the other machines in teh office works fine. I think it is just mine taht is knacked.

Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to sutty:
> (In reply to Fex Wazner)
> Go to your control panel then add/remove programmes. go to IE and click on it. You will then be given the option to repair it, and that may solve your problem.

Because Outlook Express comes with the Micirsoft Office suit, I have no repair option on that program alone.


prana 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner: check that your outgoing mail server (smtp) is set to the same as the machines that work
In reply to Fex Wazner:

Have you got Office Outlook installed? Try using that instead.
anthonyecc 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

Don't use it as it's RUBBISSSSSSSH!!!!!!
 TN 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

Have you applied any patches/updates etc to that machine since it last worked. I assume it DID work previously?

Like the poster a moment ago suggested, go into your mail server settings in OE and compare with a working PC.
 TN 05 Mar 2007
In reply to anthonyecc:

That's not very productive, is it? Sometimes 'we' don't have a choice in these matters and have to make do with what someone else decides is best.
Keeps me busy, anyway.
Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to TN:

Nothing has chnaged on the servers and all servers set to the same. I know this because I set them all up.

Not sure what the patches are that you are talking about, but I need some for my arms.

There is no logic behind mail that won't send, whether it is a forward, reply or new mail, attachment size or anything!

I am going to set up Outlook normal soon, but have all my emails in express, so it will be a real pain. Does anyone reckon it's because I have to many emails in my inbox? I have cleared about 100mb out of my sent box, but not sure how to tell if memory is a problem. Occaisionally and old email won't open, but it hasn't done that for ages.

Cheers again,

 sutty 05 Mar 2007
In reply to TN:

Give Anthony crap commentator a BBC basic machine and shut him up, as you say, you work with your firms programmes, good or bad.

Psst, want to play with my wordstar, or supercalc?
 TN 05 Mar 2007
In reply to sutty:
> >
> Psst, want to play with my wordstar, or supercalc?

Ha haa - no ta! You'll be extolling the virtues of Uniplex next...

Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to TN:

Ok, it makes no difference to what sort of email address I send it to either. I tried sending a new mail to the same email address 3 times,all with differing results!

 Laubie 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Fex Wazner:

My Outlook has spontaneously shut down twice today?


Does anyone reckon it's because I have to many emails in my inbox? I have cleared about 100mb out of my sent box, but not sure how to tell if memory is a problem. Occaisionally and old email won't open, but it hasn't done that for ages.

If you find Outlook Express is becoming sluggish or unreliable, check to see how many messages you have in your mailboxes. There is no limit as such, but you will find that it is slower to open once you get past 3000 or so, and it can get cranky once you pass 5000, especially if you receive a lot of attachments.

Over 10,000 messages and OE may become unstable. If your Inbox is filling up, act now. Either delete old messages or shift them into other folders, which you can then archive to CD.
Fex Wazner 05 Mar 2007
In reply to Am Fear Liath Mor:

I have only had the computer for 4 months!

In reply to Fex Wazner:

have you tried using the full version of Outlook if you have it?
In reply to Fex Wazner:

Also check your deleted items folder. A lot of folk forget to check that once they've deleted items out of the rest of their folders.
In reply to Fex Wazner:

It could also be a problem with Norton. I know of people who've had issues with Norton blocking their mails. The only thing I can think of just now would be be to briefly switch it off and try a send/recieve and see if that makes any difference.

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