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jude calvert-toulmin 30 May 2001
which climbers' nicknames do you know? and do you know how they got these nicknames?

ian dunne - squawk
graham desroy - streaky bacon
ian jones - smeg

source of nicknames unknown. anyone shed any light on this?

fred 30 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin:

Whats yours then?
Al Evans 30 May 2001
In reply to fred: I'll think of some more as they come up, but for now.
Al Evans-- Porky
Tom Proctor-- Clark (Kent)or The Hydraulic Man
Geoff Birtles-- Billy Whiz
Zbigneuw Dyslewicz-- Black Fred
Nadim Siddiqui-- Big Sid
Rayhan Siddiqui-- Little Sid
Zippy-- you all know who this is !!!!!!!
Chris Jackson-- The Genteel Traverser
Basher---- you all know who ths is!!!!!!!
Ian Roper--- Sherpa
Al Evans 30 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin:Almost forgot, 'Tubby' Alan Austin, which he will tell you is because he used to feel the cold and always wore at least 4 jumpers, yeh Tubby!!!!
jude 30 May 2001
In reply to Al Evans:

jude=rockdiva, heidi
martin p=dyno boy after last friday!!
my boss ian=monkey boy

Dennis 30 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin:

Sorry, I came in a bit quick there - I thought you said: 'climbers' nicknames'...

Dennis M.
 sutty 30 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin: fred the ted, morty,dick mc thick,(he's far enough away not to get thumped),piecan, festy, the villan, lots more that don't mean much to most people.
andy r 30 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin:
a couple of mates...
powerful ben- the boulderer of the group
endurance sam- the router
fingers reeve (me)- the crimper
Al Evans 30 May 2001
In reply to sutty: Sutts, you cant just put the nickname without saying who they really are. I've forgotten Piecans real name and how the bloody hell he got it?, Festy is Al Parker, but why? Was never quite sure why Richard. your D mc T (Alan McHardy) was so called. The Villain was Don, but why? Fred the Ted seems obvious. Also what about Tanky (brian) Stokes
 sutty 31 May 2001
In reply to Al Evans: Piecan, can't remember his real name, I think he did something daft once and Al McHardy Or Al Parker said he was a piecan and the name stuck. Festy got his name for lying in the tent longer thananyone else I think. Forgot about "baron" Neddy Gough. We should get in touch with Al Parker and get the details. Anyway why Richard? Didn't big Al Taylor have a nickname as well?
Went to pick up Duncan Knowles one day and arrived at the front door and his mother answered. "Is nogs in" I asked. I realised I had known him for years but didn't know his real name.
 NJ 31 May 2001
How come no one has mentioned 'the baron'

And I think Desroy is simply streaky. No bacon involved!
piglet ignorant 31 May 2001
In reply to Al E: Don't keep saying 'you all know who that is!' cos I don't. Tell me, please
jude calvert-toulmin 31 May 2001
In reply to piglet ignorant: well I'll put you out of your misery then piglet wiglet: Basher is Martin Atkinson, and Zippy is.......wait for it.......ZIPPY! He's the only person I know whose nickname IS his name! (well I don't know of any other name he goes by!) In reply to Fred. OK then. OK. I will reveal all. At Silverdale School in the mid seventies I was Toolkit (this is really digging deep into a stomach full of memories here Fred, but i don't want to nesh out) but at abbeydale in the sixth form Martin (Veale, my now husband, who hasnt got a nickname) nicknamed me "Tooly". I am still "Tooly" to those who know me well. OK?

Now Al Taylor, that's got my thinking, bloody hell, rack my brains. He's got a nickname, what is it? I only saw him the other night as well.........
Bob 31 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin:

Mike Lynch Loud Mouth
Ed Cleasby Foul Mouth

See Rob Mathesons' article on Lakeland Climbing in the '70's in something like Mountain 53 for details!

As for the above: Have you ever heard Ian Dunne speak?; Don't know about GD; Do you really need to ask about the last one?

Al Evans 31 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin: Isn't Zippy Mark? Its Bungle thats got me confused!!
Al Evans 31 May 2001
In reply to Al Evans: Just had a fantastic coincidence, as I was typing that the 'Rainbow' music came on the off air telly and Bungle and Zippy are on the telly as I write this. They are being sold off apparently. Doo doo doo doo, Doo doo doo doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
willyb 31 May 2001
In reply to Al Evans:

Zippy is a very Pretty young(or not now) man named Mark.

Al Powell - The Wise Owl (Because he's wise and he's an Al)
jude calvert-toulmin 31 May 2001
In reply to Al Evans: lol. that is SOOO funny! the zippy from rainbow coincidence. well funny. mark pretty. of coourrrrse. john allen is called "lardmaster" by those who love him well. niall grimes is of course grimer, grimester, the grim one, or grimest. (only the first one is official, the last three are limited edition and very expensive and highly collectible)
 JR 31 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin:

Well mine kind of changes depending on the country:

In England: Bollock chops
In France: Testes de la bouche
and in Spain: Testicular del gobbo

The last 2 usually shortened to: Testes

Dont ask why everyone started calling me it. I think I was giving someone some mouth.

Al Evans 31 May 2001
In reply to JR: Brian (Chiz) Chisholm used to call somebody 'panda bollox' but I cant remember who it was. Also theres Charley Farley but I cant remember what his real name is, he and his missus were on the CC Lundy meet last year. Thinking it might be Percy!!!!!!!!!
 JR 31 May 2001
In reply to Al Evans:

As in Percy Bishton??
Jamesbmp 31 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin: I dont get this, (i'm gonna get all spoddy now)
nickname n. name given humourously to a person or thing.
So if Zippy is his real name, does it count as being a nickname? I know this is kinda pedantic, but i figured i should probably post once a week at least. And this thread has been chosen. Mwahahahaha
Al Evans 31 May 2001
In reply to JR: Thats him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost sane 31 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin:
He wasn't a climber, but I worked with a guy who I thought everyone called "Neilly".

It turned out he was called "Nearly".

He had suffered kidney failure a year before I met him, and he almost died.

His real name was Blair Dunne. A robust sense of humour...

Then there was the poor chap at school, real name Lawrence, who was called "Beefy". This was because Dave knew somebody else called Lawreance who earned the nickname "Beefy" because he was fat. Dave therefore decided that anyone called Lawrence should be called "Beefy". It stuck.

And I am called "Daddy Cabbage" because I told the worst joke in the world, which features a family of three cabbages: Mummy, Daddy, and Baby.
 TobyA 31 May 2001
In reply to almost sane: Well tell us the joke...!
john 31 May 2001
In reply to Al Evans:

Eh???? Charley Farley (judging the route of that name in Staffs) was someone an awful lot older than Percy Bishton. Or am I missing something?
jenny 31 May 2001
In reply to TobyA:

yes come on AS, you can't just leave it dangling !
OP The Fat One 31 May 2001
In reply to john:

> was someone an awful lot older than Percy Bishton

er I think you'll find that Percy is a nickname I believe that Andrew is his rather more boring name (anyone called Andrew ... dont bother)!
Al Evans 31 May 2001
In reply to The Fat One: Brilliant, are you saying that someone nicknamed Percy has been given a nickname Charley by people who believe he's really called Percy but actually his name is Andrew. Marvellous!!!!!!!
jude calvert-toulmin 31 May 2001
In reply to almost sane: tell the joke almost sane! come on!

james bmp: zippy is mark pretty, i just forgot. now we all know what your nickname is, dont we boys and girls? well i do anyway, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! pschw pschw xxx
Faff 31 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin:

And did you know that Charles Arthur (he of ukclimbing) used to be called Heff by the Marylebone MC - I think it was something to do with Heffalumphs (whatever they are) and the way he climbs.
 JR 31 May 2001
In reply to Faff:

for those from a deprived childhood, heffalumps, are elephants. Why, I dunno??
john 31 May 2001
In reply to The Fat One:

I'm lost. Al said someone was called Charley Farley who was on a CC meet. You say that was Percy aka Andrew Bishton (well known Peak activist, I assume). I find this a bit unlikely already because as far as I can see PB aka AB isn't a CC member, but if you tell me he's nicknamed Charley Farley, fair enough.

My point was that there is a route at (I think) Newstones called Charley Farley which I had always imagined was named after some member of the Altrincham All-Stars, or the other crowd who used to go to Newstones back in the Dark Ages.

Further extrapolating from the fact that this route, as I recall, is right next to Charlies' Overhang aka Barleymoon, and mixing in a bit of rhyming slang, I had imagined that this might have been the nickname of one of the Barley brothers, but I may be barking up the wrong tree altogether.

BTW who was the original Charley Farley all these people are getting nicknamed after? And is there any truth in my speculations?

 JR 31 May 2001
In reply to john:

Im not sure but i think that it is another percy not percy bishton. I cant remember.

jude calvert-toulmin 31 May 2001
In reply to jude calvert-toulmin: spooky. i was wondering about Al Taylor's nickname, he hasnt been round here for yonks (literally. 2 yonks or something) and this very night........he's just turned up! he says his nickname is "Happy Al". oh well. that's that sorted then. better get off this and be sociable
 Dave Garnett 01 Jun 2001
In reply to john: The Charley Farley I know (and discussed with Al Evans) used to climb a lot in Pembroke in the 80s with Jon de Montjoye and Ian Parsons. I think his real name is (Tony?) Whitehouse. He's still around. I ran into him at a guidebook meeting in the Peak last year.

The original Charley Farley is, of course, a detective from a an ancient Two Ronnies sketch.

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