Contributed by PaddyTolan Jan/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 536 times

7s or 3* or both or neither

AMorris  © AMorris
© AMorris

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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 17% 10 Aug
2nd mattjoynson 10% 24 Jun

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Trackside after midnight.

Trackside after midnight.
© Tom Napier

Evie Cotrulia on Gorilla Warfare, Curbar, Peak District.

Gorilla Warfare
Evie Cotrulia on Gorilla Warfare, Curbar, Peak District.
© Yann Genoux

Frosty Deliverance, Stanage. New Year's Day 2009.

Frosty Deliverance, Stanage. New Year's Day 2009.
© keefe

Lone boulderer latching the top of Deliverance at a deserted Stanage Plantation, Boxing Day 2004

Lone boulderer latching the top of Deliverance at a deserted Stanage Plantation, Boxing Day 2004

In between the endless showers, there has been the odd moment...

In between the endless showers, there has been the odd moment...
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Deliverance stanage

Deliverance stanage
© Andrew1

Foggy day at plantation

Foggy day at plantation
© Henry Henderson


© chris fox

David Perian awaits the sun for Deliverance

David Perian awaits the sun for Deliverance
© Ian Hill

Brad Pit

Brad Pit
© g taylor

The Quintessential Peak District Dyno

The Quintessential Peak District Dyno
© Lucy Bentley

Leo Houlding on Satin, Stanage

Leo Houlding on Satin, Stanage
© Adam Long

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Twister f7B * 215 ? Stanage Plantation
Ron's Slab II f7B ** 56 ? Stanage Plantation
Brad Pit f7C *** 229 ? Stanage Plantation
Zippy's Traverse f7B * 819 ? Stanage Plantation
Glass Hour f7A ** 662 ? Stanage Plantation
Glass Hour Left-hand f7A * 94 ? Stanage Plantation
Steep Traverse Eliminate f7B * 6 3m Stanage Plantation
Old King Cascade f7B *** 303 ? Froggatt Edge
The Green 45 f7A * 112 ? Froggatt Edge
Jetpack f7A ** 185 ? Froggatt Edge
Trackside f7A *** 2358 ? Curbar Edge
Gorilla Warfare f7A *** 1869 ? Curbar Edge
Early Doors f7A+ *** 815 ? Curbar Edge
Sean's Arête f7B *** 130 ? Curbar Edge
West Side Story f7B+ *** 372 ? Burbage West
Breakfast f7A *** 880 ? Burbage West
All Quiet Direct f7A+ ** 96 ? Burbage North
Small is Beautiful f7A *** 310 8m Burbage North
Monochrome f7B *** 418 ? Burbage North
The Anchor f7A+ *** 391 ? Brimham Rocks
Brass Monkeys f7C *** 279 ? Stanage Plantation
Badger Left-hand f7A 182 ? Stanage Plantation
Crusis f7B ** 372 ? Almscliff
Si's Arete f7A+ ** 295 ? Almscliff
CandA Traverse f7A ** 176 ? Almscliff
The Virgin Traverse f6C *** 262 ? Almscliff
Underhand f7B+ ** 287 ? Almscliff
Crusis - Stand start f7A+ * 136 ? Almscliff
Crimpy Wall V6 *** 88 ? Brimham Rocks
Southwest Face f7A+ ** 44 ? Stanage Plantation
Deliverance f7B+ *** 842 ? Stanage Plantation
Patta's Arete f7A ** 313 ? Almscliff
Rachael's Box f7A+ 152 ? Brimham Rocks
Captain Hook f7B ** 612 ? Stanage Plantation
Danny's Problem f7C ** 13 ? Stanage Plantation
Mark's Roof f7B *** 484 ? Gardom's Edge
Mark's Roof Original V6 ** 533 ? Gardom's Edge
Bad Lip f7A * 1091 ? Curbar Edge
The Pendulum f7A ** 136 ? Stanage Plantation
The Hippo f7A+ ** 167 ? Stanage Plantation
Mono Slab f7A+ *** 113 ? Stanage Plantation
To Be or Not to Be f7A+ ** 178 ? Stanage Plantation
Pressure Drop f7A+ *** 40 ? Stanage Plantation
Satin f7A *** 459 ? Stanage Plantation
Dope on a Slope f7A+ *** 258 ? Stanage Plantation
Deliverance Traverse (L-R) f7A+ *** 144 ? Stanage Plantation
Honorary Caley f7A ** 223 ? Stanage Plantation
Help the Young f7A+ *** 314 ? Stanage Plantation
Patiently Waiting f7A * 28 ? Stanage Plantation
Night Salt f7A+ ** 47 ? Stanage Plantation
The Art of White Hat Wearing f7B *** 141 7m Curbar Edge
Scroll Power f7B ** 1 ? Curbar Edge
Petit Jesu f7A ** 41 ? Curbar Edge
Big Jesus f7A+ * 4 ? Curbar Edge
The Ultimate Gritstone Experience f6C *** 676 ? Curbar Edge
Mono or Nono? f7B * 3 ? Curbar Edge
Clouded Judgement f7A+ ** 46 ? Curbar Edge
Cloud Cuckoo Land f7A+ ** 182 ? Curbar Edge
Art of Japan f6C *** 571 8m Curbar Edge
Mark of the Beaks f7A ** 11 ? Curbar Edge
The Scratcher f7B * 3 ? Curbar Edge
Tracking f7B+ ** 16 ? Curbar Edge
Bread and Circuses f7A *** 40 ? Curbar Edge
Stoneground f7B+ ** 15 ? Curbar Edge
Submergence f7C ** 111 ? Burbage North
Mermaid f7A *** 616 ? Burbage North
Rocket Man f7B+ ** 105 ? Burbage North
Late Junction f7B ** 431 ? Curbar Edge
Blind Date Start f7B+ *** 153 ? Burbage North
Blind Drunk f8A *** 23 ? Burbage North
Hunter's Roof f7C *** 47 ? Hunter's Stones
The Terrace f7C *** 385 ? Burbage North
Ripple Effect f7B+ ** 117 ? Brimham Rocks
Trust f7B ** 66 4m Nought Bank Boulders
Sweet Dreams f8A * 30 ? Ilkley (Rocky...
Diagon Alley f7C+ ** 37 ? Stanage Plantation
Jerry's Traverse f7C+ *** 57 ? Stanage Plantation
Rose and the Self-employed Business Man f7B ** 74 ? Stanage Plantation
The Storm f7B+ *** 140 ? Stanage Plantation
Zaff Skoczylas f7C *** 137 ? Burbage North
Velvet Crab f7A+ *** 186 ? Burbage North
Fluide f7C *** 30 ? Crow Crag
Impailed f7A+ *** 10 ? Dove Crag (Dovedale)
Benchmark f7B *** 20 ? Brimham Rocks
Chasing Rainbows f7C *** 21 ? Round Crag
193 stars 23,134 30m 85
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