Wishlist for NomadET

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showing 1-25
Climb name Grade Added Crag name
Sacred Angel7a **7 SepBlacknor South
Werry's Woof Woot Left-hand7b *4 JunPen Trwyn
Aperta7a *28 AprHidden Quarry...
Coot Reboot7a *17 AprWater-cum-Jolly
Heavy music7a+ **12 MarSabaton and Mini...
And cakes by tonnes7a ***12 MarSabaton and Mini...
Yoko M-ono7a 10 MarVenus, Mars, Phobos...
Lost in Space7a+ **10 MarVenus, Mars, Phobos...
N.A.S.A.7a 10 MarVenus, Mars, Phobos...
Makari7a 10 MarSabaton and Mini...
Filos7a+ 10 MarTheós
Talvisota7a 10 MarTheós
Rainmen7a 10 MarTheós
Saiko dase6b+ ***23 FebSiurana - Village
Escaralamoza6b ***23 FebSiurana - Village
Estoy vibrando6a+ ***23 FebSiurana - Village
X-Mas7a+ 20 FebLe Chateau Polonais...
Acróbata porcino7a **8 FebSella
Próximo Bautizo7a+ **6 FebSella
A la babilla7a+ ***7 JanGandia
El descobidor de l'essencia7a+ **24 Dec, 2023Ambolo
Spanner Eyes7b **17 Dec, 2023Blacknor North
Jaqo mata7a+ **6 Dec, 2023Gandia
Don Diego7a+ ***6 Dec, 2023Gandia
Spherique voice7a+ ***6 Dec, 2023Gandia
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