Nyainqentangla South East - Nick BullockFri Night Vid

© UKC News

In October 2016 Nick Bullock and Paul Ramsden made the first ascent of a 1600m, ED+ route up the North Buttress of Nyainqêntanglha's South East Face (7046m) in Tibet, China over seven days. (UKC News Report). Their first expedition together, it was a leap of faith in the best possible style - an unclimbed peak in a virtually unknown valley.

Nick and Paul's footage from their trip has now been edited into a short film from Mountain Equipment. The big question was: could Nick impress Paul with his tea-making skills?

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4 Dec, 2016
Great wee video
4 Dec, 2016
Yes, really enjoyed that.
4 Dec, 2016
Really great! Enjoyed this immensely
5 Dec, 2016
Fantastic video, I can also recommend the article about the ascent on Nick's blog
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