The Hallucinogen Wall (5.13R) - Black CanyonFri Night Vid

© Black Diamond

Our Friday Night Video is an account of Hayden Kennedy and Nik Berry climbing The Hallucinogen Wall (A3) (5.13R) in Black Canyon. The route was originally established as a 16 pitch, A5 aid climb. Hansjörg Auer first free climbed the route in 2011. Jim Newberry named the route after all the climbers that would look at the route and say 'you'd have to be hallucinating to see a route up there.'

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18 Aug, 2017
That's like, a totally awesome rad film
19 Aug, 2017
I wouldn't fancy using that snapgate on the hanging belay at 4:15.
19 Aug, 2017
Whyever not? More generally, having been to considerable lengths to produce a film of an iconic hard route in one of the most stunning and atmospheric places in the US, it's impressive how they managed to make the entire thing feel so soulless. I'm no video expert but I think someone should tell the producer that simply having one of the climbers mention that it's a totally rad place, isn't the same as communicating to the viewers that the place is, in fact, totally rad.
19 Aug, 2017
Have a like.
19 Aug, 2017
When given a load of food by a bunch of lasses from Georgia when me and my missus were travelling in South America, I replied "Goodness me, thanks!". They actually screamed "Oh my God! What did you say? Say it again, say it again. We luuuurve your accent..." The missus stormed off in a huff, with a whispered, "I'll leave you to your fan club..." ;) Vive la différence!
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