The Nate Draughn Redemption StoryFri Night Vid

© Dizzy Films

Our Friday Night Video this week is an honest and emotional account of a climber's journey through addiction. 'The Nate Draughn Redemption Story' chronicles one climber's journey through life's highs and lows. From an early start in climbing to losing control of everything at the hands of drugs, one thing has remained true the whole way through: a love for the sport. In a return to his old stomping grounds of Boone, North Carolina, Nate Draughn recounts his journey through the last two decades of climbing, drugs and redemption.

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13 Dec, 2019

Someone going to count the "like's"?

14 Dec, 2019
Well I liked it, sweet little video, sweet guys, be nice to have a Boone round here.
20 Dec, 2019

It did my head in. Like, dude, like..... Five likes in every sentence. I lasted 12 minutes before I stopped watching. No big insights into drugs or addiction. But the sequence where he's bouldering on the horizontally fluted rock was beautifully filmed.

23 Dec, 2019

I thought it was a good video. He really opens up about his addiction issues. Its cool he went back and climbed the boulder he lied about. That must have felt like redemption for him.

I've had my own substance abuse issues, particularly alcohol and can relate. Just this year I've been in ambulances and been hospitalised. It's not easy but stories like this give hope.

23 Dec, 2019

Up to the OMG at 4:20 for me...

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