Joshua Tree - The Cutting EdgeFri Night Vid

© Rob Schoenborn

This week's Friday Night Video takes us to Joshua Tree as Jeremy Schoenborn and Robbie Phillips attempt one of the hardest routes in the park: The Cutting Edge. The route was first climbed in 1989 by Scott Cosgrove and was an iconic front cover of Climbing Magazine.

The route is graded 5.13d (8b) and has only had around 4 ascents since '89. Robbie nabbed the 4th ascent and told us:

'I found good beta which allowed me to make the crux move undeniably easier, hence why I did it so quick, otherwise, you have to do a ridiculously hard move, which understandably I wasn't psyched on haha It's probably an astronomically HUGE sandbag if you do it their way, but thank god for good heel hooking and thumb sprags, I managed to tech my way through it. '

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12 Jan, 2020

This is so very well edited the guy who did it could easily get work in the film industry. Maybe he already does?

19 Jan, 2020

Big respect for having the balls to use that soundtrack.

20 Feb, 2020

Whats most impressive is that guy did 8b in his socks

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