Pamir Pilgrimage - Frozen ice, frozen roads, and first ascents in Central AsiaFri Night Vid

© Jack Cramer

This week's Friday Night Video takes us on a journey through central Asia. Rising over 15,000ft, the Pamir Highway is the second highest highway in the world. In January 2020, three climbers set out to drive it in a fragile Russian van in the dead of winter. Their aim was to find unclimbed ice somewhere along the 2900 mile frozen road, but the trip certainly doesn't go to plan...

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22 May, 2021

Looks like a fun and slightly deranged trip...

22 May, 2021

Quite impressive - a wonder if any of them spoke any Russian let alone any of the local languages! Negotiating having a clutch replaced or whatever it was with a local mechanic with no common language must be worth WI6 just on its own! 😀

22 May, 2021

Great video. Even though the guys in it came across as (perfectly nice) generic US rad dudes.

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