ARTICLE: Dorothy Pilley's Climbing Days: The Great Year

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 UKC Articles 25 Jun 2024

To celebrate the new edition of 'Climbing Days' by mountaineer and Pinnacle Club founder Dorothy Pilley, Canongate Books shares an extract from a chapter in which Dorothy, her husband I. A. Richards and guide Joseph Georges make the coveted first ascent of the north-north-west ridge of the Dent Blanche (4,357m) in the Swiss Alps.


A day came when we stood with the luggage in the car ready to drive down to Victoria, with tickets to Grenoble actually in our pockets. A telegraph-boy arrived with one minute to spare and a message from Joseph suggesting that as the season was so extraordinarily dry we might like to think again about the Dent Blanche! It took us until Victoria to write out our answer, and we were still feeling irrational when we found ourselves strolling with Joseph in the shadow of the Veisivi.

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