UKC Paris 2024 Olympic Athlete Profile Cards Completed

© UKClimbing

With one day to go until the Opening Ceremony kicks off the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, we're excited to share our completed 'Top Trumps'-style Sport Climbing athlete cards showcasing the 68 qualified climbers from 22 countries.

Paris 2024 Athlete Profiles.  © UKClimbing
Paris 2024 Athlete Profiles.
© UKClimbing

In these interactive profiles, you'll find competition stats and action shots alongside bios and analysis written by Natalie Berry and Xa White, with some predictions and trivia thrown in for good measure.

The climbers can be sorted by seed*, Speed PB or Boulder and Lead results to see how they measure up against one another in each discipline.

We hope that this permanent site feature will become a reference point for information on the athletes of the Paris Games. Our Tokyo 2020 athlete archive remains on-site.

UKC is an accredited media outlet for the Paris 2024 Games and will be on the ground reporting live from the climbing events, which take place from 5-10 August. Stay tuned for more information on our coverage plans and how to follow our reporting. 

The page can otherwise be accessed via the homepage 'News' menu and selecting 'Olympics'.

*Seed list TBC.

With thanks to Paul Phillips for design work. 


Team GB's Hamish McArthur.  © UKC
Team GB's Hamish McArthur.
Polish Speed athlete Ola Miroslaw's profile.

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28 Jul

Thanks. As someone that doesn't generally pay a great deal of attention to comp climbing but who might watch some of the Olympics, these summaries are really interesting.

I'm less sure about the format and navigation, at least on mobile. I found it very difficult to scroll vertically without accidentally drifting left or right onto a different athlete's profile. And even if that was less fiddly, I'm not sure how much value it has anyway, as it drops you into the middle of the profile without being able to see the title. It would be useful to have a back or close button permanently on the screen, especially as the finicky scrolling makes getting to the top or bottom buttons frustrating. And if you're not on a pretty nippy connection so that the content takes a few seconds to load, it looks like the navigation hasn't worked while it's waiting. Overall, I think I'd prefer simple static pages.

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