NEWSFLASH: McNeice, McArthur and Thompson-Smith Provisionally Qualify for Paris 2024 in Budapest

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 UKC News 22 Jun 2024

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 john arran 22 Jun 2024
In reply to UKC News:


Well done, to whoever may or may not have done what in Budapest. 😉

Post edited at 20:11
In reply to UKC News:

Absolutely brilliant news from Budapest (subject to official ratification). Spent the afternoon glued to the live stream and didn't begrudge one moment of a sunny Saturday when I could have been climbing.

Huge congratulations to all the athletes! Cheers, Dom 

 teapot 23 Jun 2024
In reply to UKC News:

So cool to have (potentially 😉) more than one GB athlete to support in Paris! 

This althlete (these unconfirmed athletes) are building on the success of Shauna and it will be interesting to see what GB climbers can achieve over the next 20 years with some proper funding i.e. similar to the other leading climbing nations. 

 simes303 23 Jun 2024
In reply to UKC News:

Where can I find the video of the final please?

Either it doesn't exist or I'm being really stupid.


 Mike-W-99 23 Jun 2024
In reply to simes303:

The finals aren’t finished yet, you can watch it live on the Olympic channel website.

 jelaby 23 Jun 2024
In reply to simes303:

The women's finals were this morning so hopefully they'll be up here soon (They're not there yet):

The men's bouldering finals start at 15:30 Budapest time, which is 14:30 UK time. Programme starts very shortly:

Mens lead finals stats at 16:16 UK time. No direct link yet but should be reachable from

(Olympic Channel website is awful to navigate)

 remus Global Crag Moderator 23 Jun 2024
In reply to jelaby:

The finals are also streamed on YouTube which is a bit easier to navigate.



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